Photo credit: Adam Borecki



LA Times - Music ensembles Hocket and Sakura bathe Monk Space in an acoustical glow

Seen and Heard International - Revelatory and Delightful Chamber Music by the Cello Quintet Sakura

UNO Driftwood - Sakura Visits UNO for Rousing Cello Performance

LA Times - 109 cellos and one obsession in Walt Disney Concert Hall

Red Rock News - Chamber Music Sedona will open with SAKURA

Verde News - SAKURA Cello Quintet Makes Sedona Debut

USC News - Talent takes root at USC Thornton

The Strad - Grand Designs

Classical Voice America - There's Always Room For (More and More) Cellos

Los Angeles Magazine - L.A. Will be Filled with SO MANY CELLOS for the Next 10 Days

Stage and Cinema - Los Angeles Music Review: 2016 PIATIGORSKY INTERNATIONAL CELLO FESTIVAL

Huffington Post - Ten Essential Picks for the Piatigorsky International Cello Festival

Strings Magazine - 10 Picks from the Piatigorsky Cello Festival

Radio Interviews

WWNO Interview (New Orleans, LA) with Michael Kaufman

WCLV Interview (Cleveland, OH) with Yoshika Masuda